Looking for a New Career? Try One of These 8 Most In-Demand Tech Jobs

Posted: May 22, 2019


Technology workers are some of the most highly sought-after skilled employees in the United States today. The unemployment rate is as low as the demand for digital products is high. This means employees with technology skills can command the best wages and top jobs in the employment market.


This article will look at some of the most in-demand technology jobs. For workers considering a career in the technology field, now is the time to learn new skills. Here are some of the most in-demand the jobs in the U.S. today.


#1 Data Scientist

Virtually every organization has data. A data scientist maintains the information that can make or break a company’s P&L statement. Industries as diverse as banking, logistics, insurance and healthcare all have a tremendous amount of data they’ve collected from their clients and patients. A data scientist understands the value of this information and can manipulate the data so companies can glean actionable insight.


#2 Cybersecurity Analyst

No discussion of data would be complete without dialogue on how to keep it safe. That’s part of the role of a cyber security analyst. They are tasked with reviewing data and the overall infrastructure to determine where there are holds in the network that could allow a hacker to enter and wreak havoc.


#3 Java Developer

Java programmers play an important behind-the-scenes role in a variety of digital applications. They supply the building blocks of code that create some of the digital applications you use every day.


#4 App Developer

App developers create cellphone applications that people use for a variety of daily tasks. App developers are computer programmers that use code to build digital products. They know a variety of computer languages to create these applications.


#5 DevOps Engineer

DevOps bridge the gap between software development and operations. Today, IT is at the forefront of business and these talented professionals work to integrate tools between technology applications.


#6 Cloud Architect

The cloud architect creates and oversees strategies for moving data into cloud frameworks. It’s an important role as more enterprise organizations move their critical architectures out of back-office server rooms and into the cloud.


#7 Digital Project Managers

This role takes traditional project management and applies it to digital transformation strategies. The digital project manager could oversee the migration of data or roll out new software or hardware. The role requires extensive troubleshooting skills as well as knowledge of data science.


#8 Embedded Engineers

These professionals can bridge gaps between traditional engineering and software engineering. It’s a particularly important role as more connected hardware devices come online in every industry. Embedded engineers can handle the architectures for tools like wearables, or remote monitoring sensors for patients, or even your home’s smart sensors.


The jobs of the future will be firmly rooted in tomorrow’s digital technologies. Taking the time now to learn these new skills will ensure employment in the future.


Are You Ready to Advance Your Tech Career? Contact Select Resources!

Talk to a career counselor to find out your options for learning new skills in the digital technology field today. Reach out to the experts at Select Resources.



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